Innovative Solutions Required for Toxic Waste Sites | Environmental Rescue Alliance
The easiest way to understand what we do is to first understand what we don’t do — which is what the rest of the industry does. Companies that “clean up” water or land use a combination of chemicals and physical removal of toxic materials to a landfill. In many cases, all that is accomplished is that a toxic site is now contaminated with slightly less toxic chemicals. The original toxins are then taken to a waste site, where they usually seep back into the environment and water table at some point in the future. Because the original environment remains polluted, the original plants and animals never repopulate the environment.
None of this is more than an apparent solution, yet it remains a multi-billion dollar industry.


Toxic Sites Soil Testing | Environmental Rescue Alliance

We work with nature, never against it. Using a combination of all-natural, non-GMO technologies, we address the water or soil pollution, and eliminate the toxins. First we do extensive testing to determine what pollutants and toxins are in the environment. There are vastly different approaches used for different toxins and environments. Testing ensures that we know the volume and concentration of these unwanted materials. We then ensure that the original plants and animals get a great start at rebuilding the habitat as it originally existed. We establish a customer solution based on our many years

Toxic Sites Soil Testing | Environmental Rescue Alliance
Restoring Land and Water | Environmental Rescue Alliance
of experience and environmental factors. A river or lake with agricultural contamination is an entirely different process from a piece of land that is heavily contaminated by industrial processes; and sand or clay would present very different challenges and opportunities from one another. We offer something truly unique, the genuine transformation of contaminated land and water into a usable, green, healthy and thriving part of our living earth once again.
Restoring Land and Water | Environmental Rescue Alliance